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YOGA not only keeps our body healthy but also our mind and soul

YOGA not only keeps our body healthy but also our mind and soul

International Yoga day

According to Yoga, whose mind is sick and weak, his body will also be sick and weak. There are two types of diseases in Ayurveda, physical (Vyadhi) and mental (Aadhi).  They are related among themselves. This epidemic of covid 19 is not only affecting the body but the mind as well. On this World Yoga Day (21 June), know how yoga keeps  your body and mind healthy. 2020 year's theme is' Yoga with family at home.

Yoga position

The effect of mental problems on the body

Whether it is emotional or mental both affects the pituitary gland. This gland is the main gland of the body. When stressed, it causes unbalanced hormones to come out. It also affects the thyroid gland and our metabolism. Excess stress increases the speed of the heart rate and pulse, cells get less blood. Due to this, the heart has to work more. This causes fatigue, and hypertension.

Yoga keeps all the glands healthy

Human body has seven important hormonal glands. All these are very important for life. Hormonal imbalance cause diseases. These include the pituitary, pineal, thyroid, para thyroid, thymus, pancreas and gonads (genital gland), three of which are in the brain, two in the throat and one in the stomach and one in the ovary-testes. These can be controlled by yoga.

1) Pineal

It is in the middle of the brain and it produces melatonin hormone which regulates the nervous system signals. Sarvangasana and Shirshashan yoga are most effective for this. It is controlled by them.

2) Thymus

Thymus secretes hormones to increase immunity of the body. The "T" cells in it protect against external infection. For this, performing Halasana, Paschimottanasana, Yoga Mudra and Sarvangasana is useful.

3) Thyroid

It controls metabolism (metabolic rate of carbohydrates, fat and protein). Perform Halasana, Matsyasana, Sarvangasana, Shavasana, Griva Asana will keep thyroid gland healthy.

4) Para thyroid

It controls the amount of calcium in the blood and works to make vitamin D in the body. For this, perform postures involving halasana, matsyasana, shavasana and aasans related to neck.

5) Pituitary

It is also called the pituitary gland. It affects the growth and appetite of the body. Sarvangasana (the king of asanas) and headstand balance the hormones screted by pituitary gland.

6) Pancreas

They make essential hormones like insulin, glucogon and somatostatin. Mandukasana, Yogamudra, Janushirasasana, Paschimotanasan etc, control the alpha, beta-gamma cells of the process and prevent disease.

7) Gonads

This is the reproductive gland. Emotion, fear, anger, sexual development are affected by it. Kidney problems are also associated with this. For this, Padmasana, Siddhasana, Uttanapadaasana etc. will be beneficial.

Lord Krishna
Lord Sri Krishna gives the definition of Yoga in the Gita in the 50th verse of the second chapter- 'Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam' means the skill of actions is Yoga.

Maharshi Patanjali

Maharshi Patanjali has written 'Yogacharitra Vritti Nirodha' that is,controlling the emotions. The seeker becomes situated in his / her form, Yoga is another name for discipline. 

Surya namaskar

Asanas useful for mental health are useful postures

Shikasana, Sagisan, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Janushirasana, Trigonasana, Utsasana etc are very useful for mental health. Along with this, regular practice of pulse refinement, Ujjayi Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama and meditation are useful for both body and mind. Regular practice of these increases memory and improves memory.


Whether you are young, old age or child everyone should indulge themselves in yoga and practice once in a day. Keeping healthy boday and mind will help us to make our community, our world more beautiful and healthy.

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